


on the 4th Monday of each month at 10.00am.
Participate in community projects. woke on your own rafts and take the opportunity from time to time to learn a new skill.
Contact: handicraft@bungendorecwa.org

Entries for the Group Handicraft Competition

Branch Judging: At Craft and Chat, Monday 26 February Items will be selected for the Group competition at Goulburn on Thursday 16 March.

The Competiton: Information about the different classes in the competition can be found at the Exhibition Schedule .
If you have any questions, please email our Trudi, our Handicraft Officer, handicraft@bungendorecwaa.org

Handicrafts of all sorts are fundamental to the CWA. Members participate in a range crafts’ where members share their skills and gain new ones. When you join, you will have plenty of opportunities to practice your craft or learn a craft, and if you want to you can participate in Branch and Group competitions. Winners at Group level to State level where competitions are judged at State Conference  Workshops are also run, where participants can finesse their skills.

Handicraft has been used to supply items to areas of need in the community from socks and vests in World War 2 to rugs for palliative care and cancer patients, beanies for premmie babies, hats and scarves for farmers during the drought and even vests for fairy penguins. And we can’t forget the knitted and crocheted red poppies as part of the huge project for Remembrance Day 2018.

Our branch has participated in all of these activities.