The Land Cookery

The Land Cookery – Competition

THE SCHEDULE 2021 – 2022

This contains the information about sections and classes, rules, hints and tips for this competition.
Sections and Classes


3 Ingredient Fruit Cale
Cooked Coconut Ice

About the Competition

Each year, the Land Cookery Competition, sponsored by The Land newspaper, is held. It is open to all NSW and ACT residents. Competitions are held at Branch level with first and second place-getters in each section able to go to a Group competition. Winners from that qualify for the State competition at the annual Conference where cash prizes are awarded. The Sections include a variety of baked goods and preserves and special sections for young competitors (18years and under and 12years and under).

Our Branch Program

The first stage of this competition, the Branch competition, will be held on Sunday 20 February, 2022,

Update from The Land Cookery Officer February 5

While The Land Cookery Contest is open to all ages there are some re is a Special Sections for Young Competitors, those 18 years and under.  All the competitions and judging, will be conducted in accordance with NSW and CWA Covid rules. Strict food handling procedures will be followed by the Stewards and judges. 


  • Section 10 has two classes (a) for those 12 to 18 and (b) those under 12.
  • Class (a) is a Simply Iced Orange Butter Cake iced or frosted on the top only and may be decorated only with Orange rind either grated or cut into fancy shapes. The cake is to be baked in either a round or square cake tin or loaf pan; no fancy shapes or ring tins.
  • Class (b) is for Cooked Coconut Ice. The Coconut Ice is cut into neat pieces and presented in a box with a transparent lid. The box is to be approximately 8 inches by 5 inches by 1 inch (20 cm by 13 cm by 1 cm). If you don’t have a transparent lidded box, put the coconut ice in the correct size box and we will put it in an oven bag on the day.
  • At the Bungendore Branch Competition certificates are given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each class. 1st and 2nd then have the opportunity to enter the Group Competition in Goulburn on the 15th of March.  At the Group Competition certificates and small cash prizes are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd with the 1st place getter having the opportunity to go to the State Competition in May.  At the State competition entries are displayed during the week-long State Conference with certificates and small cash prizes are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. We will be able to assist with transport of entries to the both the Group and State Competitions.


  • This section has three classes (a) open  (b) 18 to over 12 years and (c) 12 years and under
  • The cake is the same cake in all classes, 3 ingredients only – dried fruit, liquid and flour. There was a suggested recipe in last week’s paper and there are plenty on the web. 
  • At the Bungendore Branch Competition certificates and small prizes will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each class. However, there is no Group or State Level competition for this section. 

At the Bungendore Competition all entries will be returned to the competitors. At Group Competition the entries may be returned. At State Level entries are not returned to entrants. 

Success in State Final, May 2021

Misha Takes out Second Place for her Butter Cake

Misha, attended her first CWA Kitchen Table Chat in January of this year after reading a Face Book post. She attended   monthly meetings before joining the organisation in April. The members in our branch were welcoming, friendly and encouraging right from the word go

Misha entered the first branch competition of the year in February for a bit of fun. Baking a butter cake and also a banana bread, as part of the banana bread challenge.  Her banana bread didn’t win, but her butter cake did and she was off to the Group competition in Goulburn in March. Winning in Goulburn meant baking another Butter Cake and entering the State Competition in Bega in May where her Butter Cake came Second. Entering to win was not the goal. Learning how to make a “good butter cake” was the goal. Misha has now cooked 3 excellent Butter Cakes and is now turning her attention to the competition in 2022, trying my hand at something different, as I had so much fun entering this year’s competition. Maybe she will be the Lamington Champ.

Misha would like to encourage any would be bakers or handicraft persons to come along to a monthly kitchen table chat and/or handicraft meeting, at the CWA rooms in Bungendore, if you are looking for social connection and/or want to learn more about cooking and/or handicrafts, as well as the broader social projects the CWA is involved in. Everyone is welcome.

The competition 27 february 2021

The Bungendore Branch 2021 Land Cookery Competition held on Saturday 27th February was very exciting and more successful than we had imagined. 20 entrants across 7 Sections. We rallied our members and the local community for the Banana Bread Challenge.
Our judge, Leona Irvine, had to judge 18 Banana Breads. There should be a special prize for that. Our President, Lynne Magus, ran an underdog campaign, claiming that she was not a baker and took out First Prize. Apart from the Banana Bread Challenge, we had entries for Plain Butter Cake, Cherry Blush Cake, Orange and Tarragon Jelly, Tomato Relish and Spiced Fruit Chutney.
Even more exciting than the day, was that our competition dominated our community newspaper,  Regional Independent. They also kindly provided the photo. We made the front cover and page 2. For those of you who are wondering, the puppy in the photo is a Registered Assistance dog who, along with her owner, has become a regular at our Monthly Kitchen Table Chats. Cindy made page 23 of the paper as well. Our winners are now working on entries for Group semi-final to be held in Goulburn. The Branch is looking forward to seeing how we fare in the Banana Bread Challenge at State.